I n s t a g r a m          T i k T o k          Y o u T u b e          B l o g


A b o u t  


For many years, I worked as a computer graphic artist in the advertising departments of various companies. However, I missed the haptic quality of artistic design. Now, I have been working and experimenting with watercolors for over 20 years. What makes watercolor painting special to me is its great versatility. With it, you can create images of incredible brilliance and depth. Painting techniques vary from opaque and intensive, delicate and transparent, or dynamic and extensive to highly detailed and extremely fine. It is so fascinating to watch the pigments flow and to observe the soft gradations and exciting textures that can be created by the different pigments and minerals in the various colors. I am delighted to introduce you to Rockwell's beautiful and wonderfully vibrant colors.

P u b l i c a t i o n s

2 0 2 5 - A q u a r e l l e f f e k t e   B l u m e n
Techniques and effects for watercolour painting 
2 0 2 3 -
A q u a r e l l e f f e k t e   

Techniques and effects for watercolour painting
2 0 2 2 -
M e i n   B l u m e n g a r t e n   
Illustrated flower and garden tips 


M y   f a v o u r i t e   c o l o u r s   b y   R o c k w e l l   C a n a d a


I love the watercolour paints from Rockwell Canada and I love painting with the iridescent and granulating colours.
They are simply fantastic! Now I was allowed to put together 4 small sets of my favourite colours for you for Rockwell and they are now available in the

R o c k w e l l a r t     S h o p  >>>


E x h i b i t i o n s,   P r o j e c t s   &   C l a s s e s

Urte Zimmermann is a graphic designer and painter living near Halberstadt in the Harz mountains. She grew up in Neubrandenburg. During her fashion design studies in Berlin, she acquired the basics of drawing from the model, various painting techniques, color and design theory, as well as art history. Particularly the lessons with painter Alexander Georgiew laid the foundation for her later love of watercolor. An additional training as a computer graphics artist allowed her to work for many years as a graphic designer in the advertising departments of several software companies and a manufacturer of medical devices. Although this was enjoyable, it was often very technical and neither utilized nor further developed her own creativity. Thus, she painted her colorful and imaginative pictures at home in oil, acrylic, and later almost exclusively in watercolor, as a balance. She learned gilding and egg tempera painting from icon painter Abraham Karl Selig, and further watercolor techniques from painter Andreas Claviez. For several years now, she has been regularly showcasing her paintings and instructional videos on Instagram, TikTok and Youtube for all those who enjoy painting.

2022: Exhibition - Gernrode - Museum
2017: Exhibition - Hamburg - Kleine Tenne
2017: Exhibition - Lehsten - Büdnerei
2019: Exhibition - Quedlinburg - Praxis Zeumer
2014: Exhibition - Groß Quenstedt - Church
2013: Exhibition - Lehsten - Büdnerei
Since 2015: Classes - Watercolor Painting - Artist Andreas Claviez
2011: Exhibition - Marihn - Schloss
2010: Exhibition - Thale - Klubhaus
2010: Group Exhibition EKF-diagnostic Group
2009: Design of Stained Glass Windows for Funeral Chapel Groß Quenstedt
2009: Exhibition - Ballenstedt - Schloss
2008: Exhibition - Halberstadt - Liebfrauenkirche
Since 2007: Classes - Egg Tempera and Gold Leaf - Icon Painter Abraham Karl Selig
2007: Exhibition - Bad Suderode - Studio Tötz
2005 - 2015: Graphic Designer - Magdeburg - EKF-diagnostic GmbH
2005: Exhibition - Ballenstedt - Schloss
2005: Exhibition - Halberstadt - Computer Club HBS
2004: Exhibition - Halberstadt - Freund & Partner
Since 2002: Watercolor Painting
2001 - 2004: Graphic Designer - Magdeburg - SKYRIX Software AG
2003: Exhibition - Magdeburg - Le Frog
2001: Exhibition - Wernigerode - Klinikum
1998 - 2001: Graphic Designer - Magdeburg - MDlink online service center
1997 - 1998: Training - Digital Design
Since 1994: Oil and Acrylic Painting
1991 - 1993: Fashion Designer Nord-Dress GmbH
1987 - 1991: Studies in Fashion and Design in Berlin  


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